Wednesday, June 13, 2012

What, when & how of Pratidhwani-2 through moments captured in pictures

June 2, 2012 turned out to be a very motivating evening for all those who attended Pratidhwani’s second session with Mr. Swapnil Kothari, CMD Indore Indira Group. His simple articulation of Life, Growth, Success and Happiness touched the hearts of the audience. Rather than simply speaking behind the podium, he chose to walk around the listeners…….rather than simply talking philosophical, he chose to narrate short stories……rather than simply talking and talking, he weaved his talk with very interesting videos.

Mr. Swapnil Kothari strategically distributed his talk time in 4 compartments according to the sequence within his topic. He took us through a no less than an amusement park’s ride from making us smile, ponder, question ourselves and even weep.

At the end, we were all stunned with such simple portray of Life, Growth, Success and Happiness with audacity of beautiful examples. Somewhere deep in our hearts, we wanted to say ‘Once more!’.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Pratidhwani - Anthem

संवाद-प्रेरणा कर्म की
प्रतिध्वनि में है ऐसा संवाद है
जो रचनात्मकता और
विचारशीलता की भावभूमि रचता हो.
प्रतिध्वनि में समाहित है ऐसी
प्रेरणा जो सृष्टि की सुंदरता को समृध्द करे
उसे उत्साह,उमंग और सकारात्मक सोच से भरे.
प्रतिध्वनि में उस कर्म की गंध है
जो सार्थक संवाद और प्रेरणा से मिली
ऊर्जा को सुकर्म में रूपांतरित करे.

प्रतिध्वनि अनुपालन है
उस सत्य का जो शाश्वत है
प्रतिध्वनि अनुगामी है उस धर्म की
जो दूसरे धर्म को समान रूप से आदर देती हो.
प्रतिध्वनि उस शांति की संवाहक है जिससे
परिवेश और समाज सर्वशक्तिमान के अनुचर
के रूप में समभाव और सौजन्य में यक़ीन करता हो.
प्रतिध्वनि प्रसार है उस प्रेम का जो मानव-मात्र
ही नहीं इस चराचर जगत के समस्त प्राणियों के
प्रति स्नेह से भरा हुआ हो.
प्रतिध्वनि अनुसरण करती है अहिंसा का जिसमें
वाणी के स्तर भी किसी के साथ कोई अप्रियता न हो.

हम उस प्रतिध्वनि का वंदन करते हैं
जो इस अखिल विश्व को वसुधैवकुटुम्बकम की भावना से जोड़ती है.

हे सर्वशक्तिमान ! हम पर अपनी अनमोल कृपा बरसा दो जिससे
जो प्रतिध्वनि और हममें समाहित हो जाए और हम
अपने विचार,कर्म और चिंतन से इस दुनिया को स्नेह,सकारात्मकता,
इंसानियत, करूणा और प्रगतिशीलता की पावन भावनाओं से
सुरभित कर सकें.

Script and Voice Over:Sanjay Patel

Friday, May 25, 2012

What, when & how of Pratidhwani-1 through moments captured in pictures

A usual saturday summer evening of April 28, 2012, turned unusual when 247 guests from business as well as student community of Indore attended Pratidhwani’s launch session.  The evening was super-charged by the passionate talk of Ms. Anuradha Shankar, Inspector General of Police, Indore on ‘Patriotism & Nationalism - Challenges of Young India’.  

Pratidhwani is a unique platform created by Sri Satya Sai Youth Wing to aid self improvement in youth by exchanging ideas with eminent personalities from different walks of life. ‘Pratidhwani’ is vibrant, passionate, interesting, intelligent, intense, caring, socially responsible, loyal, dutiful and responsible. We want to mirror these values in ourselves, our audience and in larger context the youth of India through our initiative. Pratidhwani will evolve with people & ideas it will come in contact with to add value to the core cause. Even if few are moved with our hearty effort and start changing for good, it is big success to us. We welcome you to be part of making Pratidhwani stronger by your ideas, suggestions and efforts. 

We will be happy to recieve your ideas, comments and suggestions on our facebook page or on

Here is the glimpse of Pratidhwani launch session with Ms. Anuradha Shankar as speaker, in the flow of the event.